
Documentary Forgery

Forgery Lawyers

What is the crime of Documentary forgery?

Documentary forgery is creating, altering, or modifying a document of legal relevance or its essential elements.

Before delving into the characteristics of this crime, we must analyze what jurisprudence understands by “document.”

What does case law understand by a "document"?

Article 26 of the Criminal Code defines the document concept as: “any material support that expresses or incorporates data, facts or narratives with evidentiary effectiveness or any other type of legal relevance.” This definition does not limit the concept of the document to a physical document. Still, it extends it to any material support of information, whether graphic (written text, symbols, or image), audio, or of another nature, such as computer media, technical records (quantity or quality meters) and of another nature such as the license plate of a motor vehicle or its chassis number.

Esteban Criminal Lawyers

Esteban Criminal Lawyers is a law firm specializing in the defense of criminal cases. We have extensive experience in handling forgery cases. Although our office is in Barcelona, we work nationwide. Numerous successful cases in the courts endorse our track record. Do not hesitate to contact us if you are accused of a crime. We will find the best solution for your case. 

Table of Contents

Phases of the crime of documentary forgery

Our criminal lawyers in documentary forgery have extensive experience as specialists in the field.

Several phases can be distinguished in the preparation and execution of document forgery crimes:

  • Elaboration of the false document or falsification of the authentic one.

  • Possession of the document

  • Incorporation into the legal traffic by the forger or using it by a third party as an instrument to commit another crime.

  • Attempt or consummation of the crime.

Documentary forgery in the Spanish penal code

Documentary forgery is typified in Chapter II, Title XVIII of the Penal Code, Articles 390 to 399.

  • SECTION 1: Forgery of public, official, and commercial documents and dispatches transmitted by telecommunication services. Articles 390 to 394
  • SECTION 2: Forgery of private documents. Articles 395 and 396
  • SECTION 3: Forgery of certificates. Articles 397 to 399


1. Forgery of public, official, and commercial documents and dispatches transmitted by telecommunication services.

Committed by an authority or public official

  1. It is altering a document in any of its essential elements or requirements. The alteration must be made on an authentic public or official document, whether legally valid or expired. It may be carried out in any way and may concern essential elements such as place, date, time, signature, performance of the parties, persons appearing, etc.

  2. It is simulating a document in whole or in part in such a way as to mislead as to its authenticity. It must be done with a high degree of similarity to mislead as to its authenticity.

  3. Assuming in an act the intervention of persons who have not had it, or attributing to those who have intervened in it statements or manifestations different from those they would have made. This crime is a crime of ideological falsehood that must present the following elements for it to occur:

    • Existence of a statement made in a public document and with legal significance.

    • That said, declaration affects essential elements.

    • Existence of a fraudulent intent as a tendential element.

  4. Failing to tell the truth in narrating the facts. Like the previous one, this section refers to a crime of ideological falsehood.

The penalty imposed in these cases is imprisonment for three to six years, a fine of six to twenty-four months, and special disqualification for two to six years.

Article 390.2 punishes the person responsible for any religious denomination that incurs any of the conducts described in the previous numbers with the same penalties as those for acts and documents that may affect the status of persons or the civil order.

In this case, it is essential to point out that the penal code equates the person in charge of a religious confession with a public official or lay authority, provided that they commit crimes of falsehood in the exercise of their functions.

Suppose the authority or public official incurs any of the previous falsehoods by grave imprudence or gives place to another to commit them, for example, allowing access to the documents to third parties. In that case, this will be punished with a fine of six to twelve months and suspension of employment or public office for six months to one year.

Committed by a private individual

Article 392.1 of the Criminal Code punishes with a prison sentence of six months to three years and a fine of six to twelve months any private individual who commits in a public, official, or commercial document any offense of forgery described in the first three numbers of paragraph 1 of Article 390:

  1. Altering a document in any of its essential elements or requirements.

  2. Simulating a document in whole or in part in such a way as to mislead as to its authenticity.

  3. Assuming in an act the intervention of persons who have not had it, or attributing to those who have intervened in it statements or declarations different from those they would have made.

A typical example of this crime would be forgery of the identity document or DNI. Article 390, paragraph 2, indicates that the same penalty (from six months to three years of imprisonment and a fine of six to twelve months) will be imposed for the one who, even without having intervened in the forgery, deals in any way with a false identity document.

For this article to apply, it must be proven that the forged document is intended to obtain a financial benefit. If the benefit is not provided, the person who uses a false document cannot be charged with this crime, although its use could be punished.

The use of a false identity document, knowing it to be false, even if the identity documents belong to another State, is punishable by imprisonment of six months to one year and a fine of three to six months.

2. Forgery of private documents

The penal code punishes with a prison sentence of six months to two years, the individual who, to harm another, commits any of the following falsifications in a private document:

  1. Altering a document in any of its essential elements or requirements.

  2. Simulating a document in whole or in part in such a way as to mislead as to its authenticity.

  3. Assuming in an act the intervention of persons who have not had it, or attributing to those who have intervened in it statements or declarations different from those they would have made.

Knowing of its falsity, the individual who presents a false document in court to harm another shall incur a penalty lower in degree than that indicated to the forgers.

3. Forgery of certificates

The creation of a false certificate is punishable by the following penalties:

  • Suppose created by a facultative: penalty of a fine of three to twelve months. The term practitioner includes doctors, midwives, nurses, psychologists, veterinarians, pharmacists, and any other person possessing health titles or who performs a health or social-health activity. In this case, we would face an ideological falsehood in which something false is stated as true. This crime does not require a profit motive. It can refer to any data as long as it is essential (name of the interested party, certificate content, date if necessary, etc.).

  • If an authority or public official creates a false certificate, but the certificate has little transcendence in legal traffic, the penalty is suspension from six months to two years. If the false certification lacks transcendence in legal traffic, the conduct will remain unpunished. This precept does not apply to false certificates related to Social Security and the Public Treasury, in which case a criminal penalty will be used, even if the certificates lack transcendence in legal traffic.

  • If a private individual creates it, makes use of it knowing it is false, or deals with it without participating in the falsification, a three to six-month fine.

Statute of limitations for the crime of false documentation

The statute of limitations for the crime of forgery of documents will depend on the type of crime and who commits it:

  1. Forgery of public, official, and commercial papers and dispatches transmitted by telecommunication services.

    • Committed by authority or public officials: statute of limitations from committing the crime 10 years.

    • Committed by a private individual: statute of limitations period from the commission of the crime 5 years.

  1. Forgery of private documents: statute of limitations period from the commission of the offense 5 years.

  2. Forgery of certificates: statute of limitations period from the commission of the offense 5 years.