Criminal Defense Lawyers Specializing in Cybercrime
Cyber law crimes
Cyber crime lawyer
Computer crimes are a set of unlawful conduct carried out through a digital medium or the Internet. The legal assets protected vary according to the specific crime, but privacy, intimacy, and patrimony are the most common. These conduct are typified in articles 197 to 201 of the Penal Code, and each carries different penalties.

Identification of computer crime
We are cyber crime lawyers specialized in computer crimes in Barcelona.
The identification of computer crime occurs when anomalous conduct or conduct contrary to the law is detected within the digital or computer environment.
These unlawful conducts are punished by the Penal Code as the rest of the crimes, with the characteristic that they are committed digitally, and they are usually more challenging to identify since, often, strategies are followed to hide or eliminate any evidence about the criminal act.
Types of computer crimes
Our Internet Lawyers have extensive experience as specialists in this area.
Next, we will analyze some of the leading computer crimes.
Computer fraud
Computer fraud, among which phishing and credit card fraud are included, is the set of conducts in which, acting for profit and through computer manipulation, a third party’s assets are transferred without his consent.
The primary type of this crime is based on obtaining the victim’s banking passwords through persuasion and deception to carry out such transactions, and the corresponding penalty is six months to three years of imprisonment.
Sexting y Cyber stalking
The frequency of these cyber crimes has increased considerably in recent years due to technological advances and the ease of distributing child pornography on the dark web.
The computer crime of sexting occurs when, through digital channels, images or text messages with sexual content of minors or people who do not consent to these acts are sent.
Cyberstalking consists of watching, harassing, and persecuting a person by computer so that the normal development of the victim’s life is conditioned.
Disclosure and discovery of secrets by computer
This crime consists of unauthorized access to the victim’s computer system, the interception of personal communications, the violation of private data, and the dissemination of illegitimately discovered data and facts.
The commission of only one of these circumstances will be sufficient to prosecute this crime, which is gaining more and more relevance among computer hackers.
Sabotage of computer systems
The crime of computer damage or sabotage consists of damaging, altering, deteriorating, or rendering inaccessible other people’s computer programs or documents without authorization, thereby causing severe damage to the victim.
The saboteur’s objectives are to conceal evidence of a crime, to delete relevant data, or simply to harm the victim.
Computer sabotage of data destruction
This offense refers to the sabotage of other people’s computer programs and, more specifically, to the conduct of destroying or deleting data without prior consent.
Propagation of computer viruses
The installation of viruses in computer systems is another of the most frequent forms of the crime of computer sabotage. It is a crime that punishes the creation and use of viruses with a malicious and harmful objective for the victim.
Software plagiarism
Software plagiarism infringes the creators’ intellectual property and is punishable under the Criminal Code. The most common conducts are the possession and distribution of copyrighted software, as well as the possession and distribution of protection programs.
Identity theft
Identity theft consists of appropriating another person’s identity, pretending to be that person, and using data such as name, surname, age, nationality, sex, or family status of the victim, to enjoy a series of benefits and resources.
If you are involved or accused of one of these crimes, count on the best criminal lawyers in Barcelona experts in the resolution of Computer Crimes.
Esteban Criminal Lawyers
Law firm in Barcelona with exclusive dedication to criminal law and acting throughout the national territory. Numerous successful cases endorse our trajectory. As skilled cyber crime lawyers, we can help you. Call us and let’s talk about the best way to defend you.
Los Autos de intervención telefónica
Tribunal Supremo. Sala de lo Penal.
Sentencia 86/18
«Bien entendido -como se dice en SSTS 645/2010 de 14 de mayo y 413/2015 de 30.6 , que la intervención de un nuevo teléfono del mismo titular o la prórroga temporal de una intervención telefónica que inicialmente ha sido autorizada por concurrir motivos justificados, solo tiene de específico la prolongación en el tiempo de esa intervención ya ordenada legítimamente, lo que es necesario entonces justificar y lo que se exige en tal caso motivar en la nueva resolución decisoria no se extiende a lo que se justificó, ponderó y valoró en el Auto originario habilitante, sino la ampliación temporal de lo mismo más allá del periodo inicialmente concedido cuando lo que apoya la nueva intervención o prórroga no es propiamente un cúmulo de indicios nuevos o diferentes de los que fueron expresados y valorados en la intervención, sino estrictamente la subsistencia de aquéllos, es decir el mantenimiento, la mera vigencia en el tiempo de la misma necesidad.
Si la una y otra en cuanto tales ya se sometieron al control judicial no es preciso ponderar de forma redundante lo ya ponderado antes, y será únicamente objeto del control la justificación de la prórroga en lo que supone de concesión de un nuevo período temporal para una intervención ya justificada STS. 1008/2013 de 8.1.2014 ). Por ello, como hemos precisado en SSTS 974/2012 de 5 diciembre , 83/2013 de 13 febrero , 877/2014 del […]
El dolo en el delito informático
Sentencia AP GC 41/15
“En definitiva, la calificación jurídica de los hechos como integrantes de un delito de estafa informática, receptación o blanqueo de capitales, obligará a analizar en qué medida el dolo de ese tercero que hace posible el rendimiento del capital evadido, capta los elementos del tipo objetivo del delito de estafa. Abrir una cuenta corriente con el exclusivo objeto de ingresar el dinero del que se desapodera a la víctima, encierra un hecho decisivo para la consumación del delito de estafa, pues en la mayoría de los casos, al autor principal no le será suficiente con disponer de la información precisa sobre las claves personales para ejecutar el acto de desapoderamiento. Necesitará una cuenta corriente que no levante sospechas y que, mediante la extracción de las cantidades transferidas pueda llegar a obtener el beneficio económico perseguido.
Precisamente por ello, la contribución de quien se presta interesadamente a convertirse en depositario momentáneo de los fondos sustraídos, integrará de ordinario el delito de estafa. Pero para ello resultará indispensable -claro esque quede suficientemente acreditada su participación dolosa en el delito cuya secuencia inicial ejecuta un tercero, pero a la que coopera de forma decisiva. Calificación jurídica como delito de estafa que se reiteró en una sentencia de la Sección Primera de esta misma Audiencia de 25 de marzo de 2014 en la que se establecía que en sentencia de esta misma Sala 167/2012, de 26 de julio (Rollo apelación […]